Count Laszlo de Almásy: I kept my promise. I was assisted by the Germans. There was a... a trade. I had our expedition maps. And after the British made me their enemy, I gave their enemy our maps. So l got back to the desert...and to Madox's English plane... with German gasoline. When l arrived in ltaly, on my medical chart they wrote: ''English Patient.'' Isn't that funny? After all that I became English.
影片以絕美的詩意開場,主角艾莫西駕飛機載著已故的愛人凱瑟琳飛過遼闊無垠的撒哈拉沙漠,但飛機被擊落,原本帥氣瀟灑的他被灼傷得面目全非... 千頭萬緒。我從boundary出發好了,因為這就是個界線不清楚而演繹出生離死別的曲折經歷。電影的標語寫著:「愛沒有疆界。(In love, there are no boundaries.)」但卻正是疆界害死這位英倫情人。