此片以Boy George的名曲"The Crying Game"命名,已經是一個濃烈的暗示,但30年前我在戲院觀看時還是被嚇了好大一跳(不記得當年台灣電影有沒有分級制度,但主角的重要部位有打馬賽克),才發現自己後知後覺,而且Boy George是愛爾蘭裔英國人,這樣的鋪陳安排真的很神吧。
BTW,劇中人Dil在地下鐵酒吧演唱"The Crying Game"時,身上穿的洋裝,第一眼看到時的聯想是Gustav Klimt的名畫「吻」及其他穿著黃色衣裳的仕女畫,例如Adele一號... Klimt似乎特別喜歡給他筆下的女性穿黃衣服。
I've had my share of the crying game
First there are kisses
Then there are sighs
And then, before you know where you are
You're sayin' goodbye
One day soon, I'm gonna tell the moon about the crying game
And if he knows, maybe he'll explain
Why there are heartaches (Heartaches)
Why there are tears (So sad)
Then what to do to stop feeling blue
When love disappears
I know all there is to know about the crying game
I've had my share of the crying game
First there are kisses (Kisses)
Then there are sighs (So sad)
And then, before you know where you are
You're sayin' goodbye
Don't want no more of the crying game (Don't want no more)
Don't want no more of the crying game